Melissa Overton is as R.E.A.L. as they come!

Relatable, Relevant, 

Energetic, Engaging, 

Action-Driven, Authentic, 

Leading with Laughter to Learn and Influence 

With a broad background of healthcare and business development, Melissa connects the dots from common sense to evidence-based leadership principles that unlocks your potential to lead and influence others.

Melissa is already captivating audiences nationwide, with her sights set on becoming a globally sought-after speaker.

Melissa works with you to identify your organizational needs and then customizes activities to address your concerns and assist you in meeting your goals.

 Melissa works with you to identify your organizational needs and then customizes activities to address your concerns and assist you in meeting your goals.


Truth Be Told

Audiences love Melissa’s down-to-earth wisdom and willingness to share the (often hilarious) truth about her life experiences and leadership lessons will draw you in and leave you wondering what she will say next.


While taking leadership classes with Melissa, I learned new things, reinforced other things I knew and found my voice. Thanks for breaking it down, interacting and being over all awesome!


“After the training I had a situation to occur with someone. I was amazed with the outcome. In the past I would have been so angry, but I remembered what was said in training it really helped me.”


“Awesome presenter! very knowledgeable and engaging with the audience. Role Plays and personal stories were very helpful in getting the lesson across.”

Let's talk leadership.

Now is the time to invest in leadership education and transformational leadership change.

Dial 252-235-7479 or contact me with the form below!