This is by far the best training I have ever done! Melissa is so engaging, she makes it so lively and fun.

How Adults Think, Learn and Work

(1 hour)

The most frustrating moment in a new job is when someone starts orienting you to the workplace without knowing how you like to learn and without knowing what it is that you know.  In this session, we will explore what makes training adults different from how we would work with children.   We will also explore the different learning style preferences and train people based on their level of expertise.  Determining these few factors can accelerate or greatly slow the learning curve and assimilation in the new work environment.   Upon completion of this session, you will learn what types of questions to ask the new employee/co-worker to ensure a smoother transition into the workplace.

Communication Barriers

(2-3 hours)

Understanding how to connect with a new colleague in the workplace to ensure a smoother transition into their new role is invaluable.   Although this helps and is a crucial factor, there are other things like communication barriers that can impact your ability to connect and influence.   In this session we will explore three topics:  Generational Differences, Personality Differences and Unconscious Bias.   By examining what factors make up a person’s behavior, we can see how to use this information to improve our communication with each other.   Upon completion of this session, you will not only identify how these factors influence you, but also how they impact others and teamwork.  

Conflict Resolution

(1.5 -3 Hours)

Understanding how to appreciate differences is important, however having this understanding doesn’t guarantee that we are free from conflict.   Possessing some critical components of how to connect with a colleague that we are leading or training is helpful, but that doesn’t mean that conflict disappears.   If there are differing points of views and ways for communication to fail, then conflict will always exist.   In this session, we will explore communication and how conflict can escalate, as well as review techniques of how to de-escalate it.   Upon completion of this session, you will be able to determine common factors that cause conflict, as well as the steps to de-escalate and have a critical conversation.   This session concludes with several scenarios that are common to the workplace so that you can use this information to consider how you might solve them in the future.

The Perfect 10 Leader

(2 hours)

We should all strive to be a perfect 10 leader.  In this session, we will explore the dynamics of team formation and how the best organizations in the world engage with their staff to create stronger teams and develop loyalty in the workplace.  We will, via self-assessment, evaluate our perceptions about our preferences and then explore the Five Levels of Leadership as ascribed by John Maxwell, as well as the five different ways that staff like to be shown appreciation.  Upon completion of this session, you should be able to identify what you are doing right as a leader, as well as have an increased awareness of what can be improved to gain loyalty and credibility in your role.  You will also leave with tactics on how to improve your leadership influence and connection with your team.

Burnout: Stop, Drop and Roll

(1-2 hours)

Especially post pandemic, most workers agree that they are beyond exhausted and have become burned out.   The average annual turnover rate of staff has gone through the roof, and many have left their professional all together.   Upon completion of this session, you will be able to determine whether you are smoking or completely burned out, as well as what happens to your body due to the intense pressure.  But don’t worry, we won’t leave you wondering what to do next.   In this session, you will also learn tips and tricks of the trade to create and reinforce resilience.

Busyness Sickness: PrioritizeYOU

(1 hour)

Burnout and the need for resilience is crucial.  In this session, we dive beyond burnout and learn about a real phenomenon called Busyness Sickness.  As we recognize this in ourselves and/or others, we learn how this has become so prevalent.  Upon completion of this session, you will not only recognize busyness sickness but leave with the tactics to protect and heal your body, mind, and spirit. 

Busting Silos to Create Exemplary Teams

(1.5 hours)

The primary focus of leadership should be self-leadership and personal development.   Often at this point, people think that the journey is complete and underestimate the need for further growth.  In this session, we will explore how departments and divisions called silos impact organizational health.   Using a case study, we will explore how to bust silos and improve communication across entire organizations.   Upon completion, you will have the thought process of how to address this issue in your workplace.   Whether you bring us in as a consultant or decide to replicate this process yourself, you will have the framework to take the next step to organizational greatness.

Write Your Own Success

(1 hour)

In a society driven by the concept of “the customer is aways right” and the “cancel culture” that leads an unhappy customer to attack your image online, we must equip our teams to consistently present a professional image and customer service that is proactive instead of reactive. In this session, we will discuss the concepts that define professionalism and how to build on this image.   We will also discuss concepts of customer service and how to communicate with others more effectively, remembering that our colleagues are also customers.   This session is relevant for any level of experience, and a must have for your front-line staff.

Professionalism and The Customer Connection

(4 hours)

Professional development should never stop.  We want to challenge you to decide what’s next.   How are you going to translate your learning into action?   Upon completion of this session, you will learn and/or reinforce your knowledge of how to set goals that are practical and attainable.  We will challenge you to write your goals as we review the materials and then implement them in your workplace.  

Leading and Coaching Your Team to Success

(2 hours)

“Leading and Coaching Your Team to Success” is designed for new leaders to master the art of giving effective feedback to their teams. This course provides practical strategies and techniques for delivering constructive feedback, fostering open communication, and encouraging continuous improvement. Participants will learn how to create a positive feedback culture, address performance issues with confidence, and motivate their team members to achieve their full potential. Through interactive exercises and real-world scenarios, new leaders will gain the skills necessary to lead their teams to success.

How To Remain Professional with an Unprofessional Professional

(4 hours)

For many, the biggest challenge in the workforce can be communicating clearly so that your message is received.    In this half day course, we will explore the elements of connection and how it relates to verbal and nonverbal communication.   We will then explore the anatomy of conflict and how to de-escalate a situation so that we can then address the conflict.   Next, we will explore the components of having a critical conversation to engage our colleague in finding a solution.  The challenge of conflict resolution is that skill isn’t enough, as the one element out of our control is the other person’s reaction/response to our efforts.   We will end this day, exploring how to respond to a colleague’s unprofessional response while remaining aware of our own level of professionalism.   This interactive class will be full of practical application components that can be used immediately in a variety of challenging interactions. 

Lost in Translation: Communication and De-Escalation

(2-3 hours)

 Today people are offended more easily and a lot less tolerant of anything that disrupts their day.   In an environment that demands healthcare providers go above and beyond to keep their clients happy, today’s professionals must continually work to improve their communication and conflict resolution skills.  In this session, we will explore why conflict occurs and the different types of response to the event.   We will then take things a step further and review tactics/strategies that can be used in the workplace to manage these intense moments that keep our team supported and safe.   Join us for this interactive session with open discussion of the true challenges and practical approaches to better protect us (physically and psychologically) while we resolve conflict.

Melissa is already captivating audiences nationwide, with her sights set on becoming a globally sought-after speaker. Her mission is to bridge the gap in appreciating differences, enhance communication, workplace well-being , and promote overall on a global scale.

Melissa Coaches ...

"I have had the pleasure of partnering with Melissa to support safety and leadership training for 100s employees from various backgrounds. After each session, the feedback was always exemplary. She brings a level of expertise and energy to the classroom that genuinely engages attendees and leaves them with actionable items that they can immediately apply to their work. "

~Danielle Kroeger, PMP, CSM, LSSGB Workforce Learning and Development: Build an Unstoppable Team

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